Molehill Green Village Hall
Molehill Green Village Hall recognises that everyone within our community has a contribution to make to our society and a right to equal opportunity. We value diversity and will promote involvement and use of the hall by all residents and wider members of our community.
Equality Act 2010
The Trustees of Molehill Green Village Hall acknowledges the definitions of various groups of people who are vulnerable to discrimination as set out in the Equality Act 2010. The Trustees acknowledges that members of these groups are often under-represented, exposed to prejudice and stereotyping, and suffer various disadvantages within our society.
We are committed to support and implement the legislation and will work to ensure that no person protected by the legislation is discriminated against unlawfully, and that any positive obligations and duties are performed. The trustees gives the following specific commitments.
This means that no trustee member, volunteer, organisation, or individual to which we provide facilities will be discriminated against by us on the grounds of:
We will seek to take positive action to address the inequalities for those using Molehill Green Village Hall and will challenge any practices, legislation and institutions, which seek to discriminate against or deny the rights of individuals or groups in any form.
Our principles
We commit to ensuring that:
Policy & Procedures
At all times, the trustees of Molehill Green Village Hall will promote equal opportunities and will not allow any form of discrimination to take place within our building or grounds. For all those that use the building, either through volunteering, renting, hiring, employing or visiting the building will be expected to comply.
In event any users breach this policy, Molehill Green Village Hall trustees reserve the right to refuse the use of the building or grounds. The trustees will not tolerate any form of discrimination.
In the unfortunate event that any users of the building receive or are party of any form of discrimination defined within the Equality Act 2010. The trustees of the Molehill Green Village Hall will expect to be notified of the incident.
Raised Concerns
In the event of an incident main user of the Building or Grounds will need to report this to the trustees of the village hall. the report will need to state the context, actions the user took and outcomes from the incident. This will need to be sent to the Trustees of the Village Hall (
The trustees of the Molehill Green Village Hall will All captured, keep, and monitored the outcomes of the incident. In the event this is deemed as unlawful further appropriate actions or measures will put in place.
Policy Review
The Policy will be reviewed on a yearly basis or when changes occur to the Equality Act 2010.